

** Enrolments are open for 2026 onwards only **

Education is an investment in your child’s future. At Westminster we are conscious of the trust you are placing in us. We will seek to support you in developing your child’s values and critical thinking skills around a Biblical World view. We will encourage self-responsibility for learning and excellence in all areas of work, taking into account your child’s abilities and learning style. Our aim is to help prepare your child to be a responsible steward of their gifts and talents in the world.

An Enrolment Pack is available below. Once the application for enrolment has been completed, it must be returned to Westminster Christian School.

Preference for enrolment must be given firstly to those of the household of faith: “Westminster Christian School, through the Spirit of God, educates children of Christian parents for time and eternity…”

Preference Enrolments:
Children of Christian parents with documents that support their active participation in their respective congregations and signed by their church leadership.

  1. Children of Staff and Society members, followed by:
  2. Siblings of preference students currently attending Westminster Christian School, followed by:
  3. Students moving from another Christian School
  4. Children of past students, followed by:
  5. Children from other preference families, followed by:

Non-Preference Enrolments:
Children from non-Christian families or have not been able to show an active membership in their respective congregation.

  1. Children of non-preference siblings currently attending Westminster Christian School, followed by:
  2. Children of other non-preference families.

Once a space is available, the applicant will be informed of an interview time.  The interview will be held between the Principal, Proprietor Representative, parents/legal guardians and the student to discuss the conditions of enrolment.  A tour of the school will also take place at this time. A student’s acceptance will be at the discretion of the Principal.

Follow the link to view our Prospectus

Follow the link to fill in the Enrolment Form.

Should you require further information about our enrolment process, please contact us.