Extra Curriculum – The Arts

Extra Curriculum – The Arts

At Westminster we believe that our God is creative and that He created us in His image. We therefore are creative and have a responsibility to take the gifts of creativity He has given us and develop them to the full, using them to bring Glory to God and proclaim His good news to the world.

We see in the story of the servants, who were given talents (Matthew 25), that our Lord expects us to grow and increase what we have.

The Arts curriculum is made up of four disciplines:

  • Visual Art
  • Music
  • Drama
  • Dance

Each of these disciplines is taught in the classroom yearly.

Extra Curriculum

Westminster also offers opportunity for extension in the following areas:

Free in-school performance groups:

  • Kids for Christ Choir (Years 3-8)
  • Worship team (Years 4-8)
  • Orchestra (Years 4-8)
  • Dance group (Years 4-8)
  • Drama group (Years 4-8)
  • Kapa Haka group (Years 4-8)

Fee-paying classes before and after school:

  • Recorder
  • Guitar
  • Violin
  • Ukulele
  • Keyboard
  • Vocal training
  • Drums

These classes are provided for us by outside contractors.


Each year the performing arts groups work towards an Easter service and every second year we have a school wide production.

The choir performs yearly in an Auckland wide school competition. They also perform at various churches, retirement villages and other community events as requested throughout the year.