Friends of Westminster

Friends of Westminster

pic_fowFriends of Westminster is our fundraising committee which provides extra items that can enhance your children’s learning, for example the investment into our E-Learning area. Each term this group sets a goal, after consultation with the school management. They then set out to achieve this through fun activities that draw our community together, and at the same time generate the needed funds.

Achievements of the Friends of Westminster:

  • The purchase of books for the refurbished library.
  • Financial assistance for Senior School Camps.
  • Extra funds allocated to staff for extra supplies for their class.
  • Purchase of table tennis tables.
  • Acquisition of new Junior Maths resources.

We encourage you to join our Friend of Westminster team. It is one of the quickest ways to get to know other families in the school and an effective way to support your child. Your children will be encouraged by your commitment to the school and enjoy seeing you working in the school environment. BE PART OF OUR TEAM.

For contact information, please contact the school office.